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Every Woman Has a Story(TM)
Category : Self Improvement

Every Woman Has a Story(TM)

Price: USD8.99

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When Daryl Ott Underhill sent out a general request for stories written by women about their lives, she had no idea the response would be so phenomenal. She heard from over 500 women of all ages and from all backgrounds. The authors wrote about a wide range of subjects, including friendship, love, turning 30, motherhood, losing parents, surviving the empty nest syndrome, and fulfilling dreams. Now readers can experience this remarkable collection of powerful and inspiring stories and share the heartbreak, joy, and wonder of what it means to be a woman in todays world. The self-published edition of this book sold out of its 4,000-copy first printing. Every Woman Has a Story will be highlighted and excerpted in the 5/99 issue of Womens Day. Just in time for Mothers Day, this book is targeted to the audience that embraced the bestsellers Chicken Soup for the Soul (Health Communications, 1993) and Girlfriends (Wildcat Canyon Press, 1995); both books inspired series. Also available as a Time Warner AudioBook.

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