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They Moved My Bowl
Category : Nature

They Moved My Bowl

Price: USD9.99

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This is the first, and long-overdue, book of Charles Barsotti's dog cartoons. Barsotti's distinctive round pups, rendered in just a few simple lines, have been delighting The New Yorker readers for three decades and are instantly recognizable for their depiction of canines in human roles. The juxtaposition of their simple world, consisting only of food, play, and the goings-on of their owners, with the utterly human tasks of going to therapy, talking business, or seeing a lawyer, is both adorable and hilarious. A dog standing at a podium announces, "If elected, I promise to beg, fetch, and roll over." An older dog frowns down at a young pup and says, "Don't be smug, all puppies are cute." An angry dog with brush in hand paints a "BEWARE OF DOG" sign. With an irresistible blend of biting humor and affectionate observation, this is a perfect gift book for dog lovers everywhere.

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