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Light Up Your Child's Mind
Category : Family & Relationships

Light Up Your Child's Mind

Price: USD12.99

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Based on the renowned "Renzulli Method," which has been adopted in schools all over the country, LIGHT UP YOUR CHILD'S MIND presents a practical program to help children fire up a love of learning to last a lifetime. World-renowned experts Drs. Renzulli and Reis illustrate the crucial role parents can play in their children's development and address how they can work with teachers to enhance their children's education. They uncover the hidden potential of daydreamers, rebels, and one-track minds, arguing that gifted behavior--basic smarts, high levels of task commitment, and creativity--can be fostered in bright children, even unmotivated ones. Step by step, LIGHT UP YOUR CHILD'S MIND will show parents how to set their kids on the path to a rewarding future.

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