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Introduction to LinkedIn Career Networking
Category : Personal Enrichment

Introduction to LinkedIn Career Networking

Price: USD0.00

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Do you want to connect with other professionals who are interested in helping you find your dream job? If so, then LinkedIn is the solution you're looking for! In this course, you'll get hands-on experience with this powerful tool as you build your own career network. You'll learn how to create a profile that shows your professional achievements off to their best advantage, and you'll gain techniques for deepening and expanding your business contacts. You'll also learn about LinkedIn groups?a great way to find others who share your interests and background, and who may be major players in your industry. You'll also learn how to incorporate LinkedIn into your overall job-search and career development strategy, including traditional methods such as calling, letter writing, email etiquette, in-person interviewing, as well as some of the newer media, including text etiquette and social media do's and don'ts. There's even a lesson to help you if you're a creative professional who doesn't fit the everyday mold.

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