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Introduction to Flash CS5
Category : Adobe Software

Introduction to Flash CS5

Price: USD0.00

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Take your graphics skills to a whole new level by adding Flash to your designer toolkit! In this course, you'll learn how to create animated, interactive movies in Adobe Flash CS5. These days, Flash movies are everywhere?including the Internet, films, TV shows and commercials, and computer games. The skills you'll learn in this course will get you started on your way to a lucrative career designing animated graphics and special effects for one of these fun and exciting fields. During this course, you'll create a full-blown Flash application, complete with animated text and graphics and interactive buttons. You'll start by exploring the Flash workspace, creating text and graphics, and animating objects on the Flash movie stage. Next, you'll look in detail at the anatomy of a Flash movie?how to use the Flash timeline, layers, and frames to control objects and timing on the stage. While you can create an entire movie in Flash, most often you'll need to import graphics, sounds, and digital videos from other applications. While creating your first Flash movie, you'll learn how to format and embed external digital media and how to make them appear or play at specific times. You'll also learn how to control digital media based on specific events, such as end user mouse clicks. Because no course on Flash is complete without an introduction to ActionScript, Flash's powerful programming language, you'll create interactive buttons with ActionScript 3.0. You'll also learn to write scripts that control movie flow and scripts that call to and load external videos, Web pages, and other Flash movie files.As you create your movie, you'll find out how to design and animate 3-D objects, sync sounds with animations, and publish your Flash movies to the Internet. By the end of the course, you'll know how to create and publish Flash movies and applications, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a Flash designer.

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