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Intermediate Photoshop CS4
Category : Adobe Software

Intermediate Photoshop CS4

Price: USD0.00

Buy It from ed2go

Are you ready to take your Photoshop skills to the next level? Then join us and learn advanced techniques for using Adobe Photoshop CS4 to edit your images and photos. Imagine being able to undo or revise changes you've already made without losing image quality or needing to start over! If you've already mastered Photoshop's basic tools and commands, you'll find it easy to master the nondestructive editing techniques we'll cover. You'll discover how to save every pixel in your original image so you never have to say 'I'm sorry I tossed that information.' You'll see how to the use Smart Objects so you can crop an image or resize it and get it back to its original size months later. You'll master tricks for warping Smart Objects that will make the tabloid newspapers jealous! And you'll learn how to make adjustments to your images that you can tweak at any time to add shadows or embossing. Whether you want to use Photoshop to edit photos, make scrapbook pages, or do original artwork, you'll find this course gives you the skills you need. So get ready to take a giant leap forward in your Photoshop creativity and productivity!

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