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Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II
Category : Tools for Teachers

Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II

Price: USD0.00

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In this professional development course, you'll get the teacher training you need to deal effectively with serious discipline problems and help even the most challenging students you're teaching make more responsible choices. You'll discover how to use a new research-based six-step approach to solve severe and chronic discipline problems, including bullying, fighting, using abusive language, stealing, and refusing to work. You'll learn how to deal with the special problem of attention deficit disorder, find out how to use time-outs effectively, and see how class meetings can help solve class-wide discipline problems. We'll cover numerous preventative strategies, including 12 actions you and your colleagues can take to prevent problems from occurring in the common areas of your school, and six practical strategies that can prevent student violence.You'll gain a new understanding of what motivates severe and chronic misbehavior and, more important, what actions will help you effectively find solutions. We'll look at numerous real-life examples set in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms so you can see how to put the ideas into action in your own teaching situation.

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