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Skills for Making Great Decisions
Category : Personal Enrichment

Skills for Making Great Decisions

Price: USD0.00

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Learn how to make excellent everyday decisions from an experienced counselor and life coach. In this six-week online course, you'll learn about some wonderful abilities we're born with for figuring things out and making good decisions. You'll also see why our instincts and intuition sometimes deceive us and how self-knowledge can help us guard against becoming overly confident. You'll discover the steps necessary to achieve your goals, as well as the power that ordinary, everyday decisions can have over the quality of your life.You'll learn how to deal effectively with crisis, how to use your emotions as decision-making tools, and how to work with others to make good decisions. You'll develop some important guidelines for when to take risks, when to trust your luck, and what to do if you make a mistake. The goal of this course is to give you the power to live the best life you can and make the very most of every opportunity.

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