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Writing for Children
Category : Creative Writing

Writing for Children

Price: USD0.00

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Join author and writing mentor Steve Alcorn and discover what you need to know to write for children. If you're a beginning writer, this course will help you transform your book idea into a finished product that could potentially land in the hands of an editor or agent. And if you're already a successful writer, this course will help you explore new opportunities and markets for your work.You'll explore the changing world of children's literature and understand the various formats, including picture books, chapter books, middle grade or young adult novels. You'll get insights from publishing professionals to gain a better understanding of the needs of today's market. You'll receive valuable tips about creating your manuscript, and even practice writing a query letter to submit to a publisher.By the time you finish this course, you'll have all the tools and resources you'll need to begin navigating the world of children's publishing and to continue growing as a writer for children.

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