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T'ai Chi Beginning Practice DVD with David-Dorian Ross
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T'ai Chi Beginning Practice DVD with David-Dorian Ross

Price: USD14.98

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'One on one with Champion and Master David-Dorian Ross. This is the way to learn T'ai Chi. With this program created to be more like personal instruction, you'll learn more intuitively as you explore each move, so you feel more confident right away. You will understand how T'ai chi will help you move closer to that elusive life priority, balance. Known as ''the ultimate workout'' in China, T'ai chi is a more physically charged form of energy practice that resembles martial arts in slow motion and will give you the benefits of weight training, aerobics or sports conditioning while exercising your mental-spiritual strength at the same time. You'll see more balance in the way you move, think and feel every day. U.S. and world T'ai chi medalist David-Dorian Ross' clear, masterful instruction is captured live in this unique DVD. The result is more candid, thoughtful expression that's in tune with you as you move, with pointers that both sharpen your form and deepen the benefits. David guides eight essential T'ai chi ch'uan poses, from Parting the Horse's Mane and to the empowering Crane Spreads Wings. A total-body workout that is more physically charged than its sister practice Qigong, this is like a martial arts dance, with breathing and mental imagery techniques that intensify the effects. 70 minutes. '

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