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Massage Practice: Acupressure DVDwith Michelle Kluck
Category : Media Library

Massage Practice: Acupressure DVDwith Michelle Kluck

Price: USD9.98

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'FREE standard shipping on this item! Soothing therapy is in your hands. Pressure-point therapy, or acupressure, is an ancient, worldwide healing tradition that stimulates the body's natural healing power. With our award-winning Massage Practice: Acupressure DVD, you have the power in your hands to safely and effectively release blocked energy along the body's energy paths or meridians to keep you healthy and prevent more serious conditions. Learn techniques to target ailments including arthritis, allergies, back pain, migraines, anxiety, PMS, stomachaches, chronic pain and more. 30 minutes. With the Massage Practice: Reflexology DVD, you will discover how to stimulate specific points on the feet to alleviate stress-related conditions. 30 minutes. Also available as a set of both DVDs.'

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