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Hidden Messages in Water DVD
Category : Media Library

Hidden Messages in Water DVD

Price: USD20.00

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'Water is a mystical element that can transform our lives if we are willing to open heart and mind to its gifts. The Hidden Messages in Water introduces the fascinating revolutionary work of renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has discovered that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words and feelings. His visionary work takes a quantum leap, using genius photography and superb scientific skill to show us the healing power of love and gratitude. Discover his unique work in his book (softcover, 160 pages) and the DVD (120 minutes). DVD features a translated talk with Dr. Emoto plus additional footage from the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? and segments about resonance frequency, water crystals and more. Dr. Emoto?s newest work, True Power of Water (DVD, 120 minutes) examines the power of prayer and thought to affect water. Enhanced DVD includes lecture and slide show and addresses water and its relationship to global warming, music, pictures, love and gratitude. '

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