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 Shape: The Mari Winsor Pilates for Pink Workout DVD
Category : Media Library

Shape: The Mari Winsor Pilates for Pink Workout DVD

Price: USD14.98

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'The Mari Winsor Pilates for Pink Workout DVD offers a unique blend of Mari's Pilates and resistance band moves in an easy-to-follow core workout. This is a great workout to strengthen all of your muscles evenly from head to toe — with strong emphasis on your core. This Pilates workout will enhance your flexibility and make you more aware of your boday and how it's performing day-to-day. As a result, you'll create a taller, slimmer, more graceful shape. Use the band as added resistance to improve your overall muscle tone. 52 minutes. $1 from the sale of this DVD will be donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation?. Also available: Mari Winsor Pilates for Pink DVD set featuring two Mari Winsor titles at a special low price — a $29 value!'

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